The Elite Business Performance Academy

What is the Elite Business Performance Academy?

The Elite Business Performance Academy is where I merge coaching with leadership development instruction, using my 41 year career experience (32 years as an executive) as the basis for the classroom instruction.

The Academy is an "experienced-based" approach, meaning the information covered is not similar to instruction received in most academic institutions or degree programs. It is based on "real life" scenarios and experiences, that make the participant immediately effective when returning to the workplace after completing the various programs available.

Click here to download the Masterclass One executive summary entitled "The Case for the Elite Business Performance Academy"

My approach to leadership development is based on understanding and leveraging relationships through a self-developed concept called "The Three Things".

Knowledge of One's Own Behavioral Style

Knowledge of the Behavioral Styles of Others

Knowledge of How to Manage or Lead Organizations by Assigning Work based on Behavioral Style

Class Offerings

Here are the current Masterclass offerings of the Elite Business Performance Academy.

Masterclass One

Masterclass Two

Masterclass Three